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CQM Measures

2023 Measure Specifications

The APP only requires ACO's to report on 3 measures, measures are reported in the MIPS CQM (Clinical  Quality Measure)

Quality ID #1 (DM-2)

Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)

Poor Control (>9%)

Measure Description

Percentage of patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes who had hemoglobin A1c >9.0% during the measurement period. 



Patients 18-75 years of age with diabetes with a visit during the measurement period. 

Denominator Note: To assess the age for exclusions, the patient's age on the date of the encounter should be used.


Denominator Exclusions: 

- Hospice services provided to patient any time during the measurement period. (G9687)


- Palliative care services provided to patient any time during the measurement period. (G9988)


- Patients age 66 and older in Institutional Special Needs Plans (SNP) or residing in long term care with a POS code 32, 33, 34, 54 or 56 for more than 90 consecutive days during the measurement period. (G2081)


- Patients 66 years of age and older with at least one claim/encounter for frailty during the measurement period AND a dispensed medication for dementia during the measurement period or the year prior to the measurement period. (G2090)


- Patients 66 years of age and older with at least one claim/encounter for frailty during the measurement period AND either one acute inpatient encounter with a diagnosis of advanced illness or two outpatient, observation, ED or nonacute inpatient encounters on different dates of service with an advanced illness diagnosis during the measurement period or the year prior to the measurement period. (G2091)



Patients whose most recent HbA1c level (performed during the measurement period) is >9.0%.


Numerator Instructions: INVERSE MEASURE - A lower calculated performance rate for this measure indicates better clinical care or control. The "Performance Not Met" numerator option for this measure is the representation of the better clinical quality or control. Submitting that numerator option will produce a performance rate that trends closer to 0%, as quality increases. For inverse measures, a rate of 100% means all the denominator eligible patients did not receive the appropriate care or were not in proper control.


Patient is numerator compliant if the most recent HbA1c level >9%, the most recent HbA1c result is missing, or if there are no HbA1c tests performed and results documented during the measurement period. Ranges and thresholds do not meet criteria for this indicator. A distinct numeric result is required for numerator compliance. Do not include HbA1c levels reported by the patient.


Only patients with a diagnosis of Type 1 for Type 2 diabetes should be included in the denominator of this measure. Patients with a diagnosis of secondary diabetes due to another condition should not be included.


Numerator Options:

Performance Met: Most recent hemoglobin A1c level >9.0% (3046F) 


                              Hemoglobin A1c level was not performed during the measurement period (12 months) (3046F with 8P)


Performance NOT Met: Most recent hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level <7.0% (3044F)


                                       Most recent hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level greater than or equal to 7.0% and less than 8.0% (3051F)


                                       Most recent hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level greater than or equal to 8.0% and less than or equal to                                                 9.0% (3052F)


This measure is to be submitted a minimum of once per performance period for patients with diabetes seen during the performance period. The most recent quality-data code submitted will be used for performance calculation. This measure may be submitted by Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who perform the quality actions described in the measure based on the services provided and the measure-specific denominator coding.


Note: Patient encounters for this measure conducted via telehealth (e.g., encounters coded with GQ, GT, 95, or POS 02 modifiers) are allowable.

2023 Changes

To assess the age for exclusions has been updated for 2023 from the end of the performance period to date of the encounter.

Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%) - (001)

Quality ID #236 (HTN-2)

Controlling High Blood Pressure

Measure Description

Percentage of patients 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of hypertension starting before and continuing into, or starting during the first six months of the measurement period, and whose most recent blood pressure was adequately controlled (<140/90 mmHg) during the measurement period. 



Patients 18-85 years of age who had a visit and diagnosis of essential hypertension starting before and continuing into, or starting during the first six months of the measurement period.


Denominator Note: The diagnosis of essential hypertension must be present some time between 1 year prior to the measurement period and the first six months of the measurement period (January 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023).


To assess the age for exclusions, the patient’s age on the date of the encounter should be used.


Denominator Exclusions: 

- Hospice services given to patient any time during the measurement period. (G9740)


- Palliative care services given to patient any time during the measurement period. (G0031)


- Documentation of end stage renal disease (ESRD), dialysis, renal transplant before or during the measurement period or pregnancy during the measurement period. (G9231)


- Patients age 66 or older in Institutional Special Needs Plan (SNP) or residing in long-term care with POS code 32, 33, 34, 54, or 56 for more than 90 consecutive days during the measurement period. (G9910)


- Patients 66-80 years of age with at least one claim/encounter for frailty during the measurement period AND a dispensed medication for dementia during the measurement period or the year prior to the measurement period. (G2115)


- Patients 66-80 years of age with at least one claim/encounter for frailty during the measurement period AND either one acute inpatient encounter with a diagnosis of advanced illness or two outpatient, observation, ED or nonacute inpatient encounters on different dates of service with an advanced illness diagnosis during the measurement period or the year prior ro the measurement period. (G2116)


- Patients 81 years of age and older with at least one claim/encounter for frailty during the measurement period. (G2118)



Patients whose most recent blood pressure is adequately controlled (systolic blood pressure <140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure <90 mmHg) during the measurement period. 


Numerator Instructions: To describe both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, each must be submitted separately. If there are multiple blood pressures on the same date of service, use the lowest systolic and lowest diastolic blood pressure on that date as the representative blood pressure. 


Numerator Note: In reference to the numerator element, only blood pressure readings performed by a clinician or a remote monitoring device are acceptable for numerator compliance with this measure. This includes blood pressures taken in person by a clinician and blood pressures measured remotely by electronic monitoring devices capable of transmitting the blood pressure data to the clinician. Blood pressure readings taken by a remote monitoring device and conveyed by the patient to the clinician are also acceptable. It is the clinician’s responsibility and discretion to confirm the remote monitoring device used to obtain the blood pressure is considered acceptable and reliable and whether the blood pressure reading is considered accurate before documenting it in the patient’s medical record.


Do not include BP readings:

1) Taken during an acute patient stay or ED visit

2) Taken on the same day as a diagnostic test or diagnostic or therapeutic procedure that requires a change in diet or change in medication on or one day before the day of the test or procedure, with the exception of fasting blood tests. BP readings taken on the same day that the member receives a common low-intensity or preventive procedure are eligible for use. For example, the following procedures are considered common low intensity or preventive (this list is just for reference, and is not exhaustive): Vaccinations, injections (e.g., allergy, vitamin B-12, insulin, steroid, toradol, Depo-Provera, testosterone, lidocaine), TB Test, IUD insertion, Eye exam with dilating agents, wart or mole removal.

3) Taken by the patient using a non digital device such as with a manual blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope. 


If no blood pressure is recorded during the measurement period, the patient's blood pressure is assumed "not controlled."


If there are multiple blood pressure readings on the same day, use the lowest systolic and the lowest diastolic reading as the most recent blood pressure reading.Ranges and thresholds do not meet criteria for this measure. A distinct numeric result for both the systolic and diastolic BP reading is required for numerator compliance.


Numerator Options:

Performance Met:  Most recent systolic blood pressure <140 mmHg (G8752)


Performance Not Met: Most recent systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg (G8753)


Performance Met: Most recent diastolic blood pressure <90 mmHg (G8754)


Performance Not Met: Most recent diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg (G8755)


Performance Not Met: No documentation of blood pressure measurement, reason not given (G8756)



This measure is to be submitted a minimum of once per performance period for patients with hypertension seen during the performance period. The performance period for this measure is 12 months. The most recent quality code submitted will be used for performance calculation. This measure may be submitted by Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who perform the quality actions described in the measure based on the services provided and the measure-specific denominator coding.


NOTE: Patient encounters for this measure conducted via telehealth (e.g., encounters coded with GQ, GT, 95, or POS 02 modifiers) are allowable.


2023 Changes

To assess the age for exclusions has been updated for 2023 from the end of the performance period to date of the encounter.



Controlling High Blood Pressure - (236)

Quality ID #134 (Prev-12)

Preventive Care and Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan

Measure Description

Percentage of patients aged 12 years and older screened for depression on the date of the encounter or up to 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan is documented on the date of or up to two days after the date of the qualifying encounter.


All patients aged 12 years and older at the beginning of the measurement period with at least one qualifying encounter during the measurement period. 

Denominator Note: The intent of the measure is to screen for depression in patients who have never had a diagnosis of depression or bipolar disorder prior to the eligible encounter used to evaluate the numerator. Patients who have ever been diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder will be excluded from the measure.


Denominator Exclusions: (G9717)

- Patients who have been diagnosed with depression.


- Patients who have diagnosed with bipolar disorder


Denominator Exceptions: Patients with a Documented Reason for not Screening for Depression

- Patient refuses to participate


- Documentation of medical reason for not screening patient for depression (e.g., cognitive, functional, or motivational limitations that may impact accuracy of results; patient is in an urgent or emergent situation where time is of the essence and to delay treatment would jeopardize the patient's health status).



Patients screened for depression on the date of the encounter or up to 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan is documented on the date of or up to two days after the date of the qualifying encounter.



Screening: Completion of a clinical or diagnostic tool used to identify people at risk of developing or having a certain disease or condition, even in the absence of symptoms. 

Standardized Depression Screening Tool: A normalized and validated depression screening tool developed for the patient population in which it is being utilized.


Follow-Up Plan

Documented follow-up for a positive depression screening must include one or more of the following: 

  • Referral to a provider for additional evaluation and assessment to formulate a follow-up plan for a positive depression screen

  • Pharmacological interventions

  • Other interventions or follow-up for the diagnosis or treatment of depression

Examples of a follow-up plan include but are not limited to:​

  • Referral to a provider or program for further evaluation for depression, for example referral to a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, psychologist, clinical social worker, mental health counselor, or other mental health service such as family or group therapy, support group, depression management program, or other service for treatment of depression

  • Other interventions designed to treat depression such as behavioral health evaluation, psychotherapy, pharmacological interventions, or additional treatment options


Numerator Instructions:

A depression screen is completed on the date of the encounter or up to 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan must be documented on the date of  or up to two calendar days after the date of the encounter, such as referral to a provider for additional evaluation, pharmacological interventions, or other interventions for the treatment of depression. An example to illustrate the follow-up plan documentation timing: if the encounter is on a Monday from 3-4 pm (day 0) and the patient screens positive, the clinician has through anytime on Wednesday (day 2) to complete follow-up plan documentation.


An age-appropriate, standardized, and validated depression screening tool must be used for numerator compliance. The name of the age-appropriate standardized depression screening tool utilized must be documented in the medical record. This measure does not require documentation of a specific score, just whether results of the normalized and validated depression screening tool used are considered positive or negative. Each standardized screening tool provides guidance on whether a particular score is considered positive for depression. The depression screening must be reviewed and addressed by the provider on the date of the encounter. Positive pre-screening results indicating a patient is at high risk for self-harm should receive more urgent intervention as determined by the provider practice. The screening should occur during a qualifying encounter or up to 14 calendar days prior to the date of the qualifying encounter.


The measure assesses the most recent depression screening completed either during the qualifying encounter or within the 14 calendar days prior to that encounter. Therefore, a clinician would not be able to complete another screening at the time of the encounter to count towards a follow-up, because that would serve as the most recent screening. In order to satisfy the follow-up requirement for a patient screening positively, the eligible clinician would need to provide one of the aforementioned follow-up actions, which does not include use of a standardized depression screening tool.


The follow-up plan MUST still be provided for and discussed with the patient during the qualifying encounter used to evaluate the numerator. However, documentation of the follow-up plan can occur up to two calendar days after the qualifying encounter, in accordance with the policies of an eligible clinician or provider’s practice or health system. All services should be documented during, or as soon as practicable, after the qualifying encounter in order to maintain an accurate medical record.


Should a patient screen positive for depression, a clinician should:​​

  • Only order pharmacological intervention when appropriate and after sufficient diagnostic evaluation. However, for the purposes of this measure, additional screening and assessment during the qualifying encounter will not qualify as a follow-up plan.

  • Opt to complete a suicide risk assessment when appropriate and based on individual patient characteristics. However, for the purposes of this measure, a suicide risk assessment or additional screening using a standardized tool, will not qualify as a follow-up plan.


Numerator Options:

Performance Met: Screening for depression is documented as being positive AND a follow-up plan is documented (G8431)


  Screening for depression is documented as negative, a follow-up plan is not required (G8510)


Denominator Exception: Screening for depression not completed, documented patient or medical reason (G8433)


Performance Not Met: Depression screening not documented, reason not given (G8432)


          Screening for depression documented as positive, follow-up plan not documented, reason not given                  (G8511)


This measure is to be submitted a minimum of once per measurement period for patients seen during the measurement period. The most recent screening submitted will be used for performance calculation. This measure may be submitted by Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who perform the quality actions described in the measure based on the services provided and the measure-specific denominator coding. The follow-up plan must be related to a positive depression screening, example: "Patient referred for psychiatric evaluation due to positive depression screening."


Note: Patient encounters for this measure conducted via telehealth (e.g., encounters coded with GQ, GT, 95 or POS 02 modifiers) are allowable.

2023 Changes

Documentation of a follow-up plan on the date of the encounter  or up to two days after the date of the qualifying encounter.

Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan - (134)

Health Endeavors

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