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CQM Import Chart
Available only to Security Official users

The CQM Import Chart is used to configure priority levels for response methods on individual quality measures. By configuring the CQM Import Chart, you can set certain response methods as higher priority than others, allowing or disallowing overrides based on the priority level.

To Access the CQM Import Chart, click on the Admin tab in the upper right hand corner of the screen and scroll down and click on CQM Import Chart


The first section of the import chart is the Measures Import Priority


This section allows you to assign priority levels to the import data for the 4 quality measures listed.


For each measure you will see there are three data types to choose from, Claims imports, EHR data imports and Manual Keyed data.


Each data import must be prioritized from the drop-down box with 1, 2 or three with one being the highest and 3 being the lowest priority. Each number can only be used once per measure.


If a response method has a higher priority level than the one currently being used for that patient’s measure, the old response will be overwritten by the new one. Conversely, attempting to overwrite an old response with a new response that has a lower priority level will not succeed. The exception to this is If the existing answer is non-performance and the incoming answer is performance, the answer will be overwritten regardless of priority.


Once you have completed your prioritization options, click                  to confirm your changes. 


Below the import priority options you can choose to open or close the CQM Portal.


a. If ‘open’ is selected, the portal is enabled for quality measure answers to be captured and saved.

b. If ‘closed’ is selected, the portal is in view-only mode and quality measure answers cannot be saved. c. The portal will automatically close on March 31, 2024 for finalizing quality measures data submissions to CMS.

The last section of the CQM Import chart are the Mandatory Defaults.


a. Default Age and Gender (highest priority) - The Applicable measures will be answered N/A if the ACO Patient Attribution file or Commercial Membership File indicates that the patient’s age or gender is outside the measure requirements. This default has the highest priority and none of the data import options above will be able to override these answers.


b. Default No Diagnosis (Lowest Priority) - The Applicable measures will be answered N/A if the patient has claims data with no indication of the diagnosis included in the measure. This default has the lowest priority, so any data import answers with a performance response will override these answers.

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