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Network Manager Review

This tool is available only to users that have Security Official Access.


The Network Manager Review page is used to quickly view all current patient assignment information, and to make individual changes as needed. This page hosts a table with all available patient data, including current TIN and NPI assignment. The table can be filtered similarly to the tables seen in the imports section, allowing you to narrow this list based on specific patient information.

To access the Network Manager Review go to the Admin tab in the upper right hand corner of your screen and choose 'Network Manager Review' from the drop down menu.


Review All Attributed Patients 

To view more detailed information about a specific patient, click the arrow in the far left column for that patient's row. This will display Additional Patient Details, as well as available Visit Details. To return to the patient assignment page, you may click the Back to patient assignment button. This is particularly useful if you have no need to change the TIN/NPI configuration.

If you would like to select a different effective period to review, click the dropdown menu and select your effective period.


To change TIN or NPI relationships from this page, click the Manage TIN/NPI Assignments button. This will open the TIN/NPI Single Configuration window.


When using the TIN/NPI Single Configuration window, begin by selecting the TIN Name from the dropdown menu in the upper left. This will pre-populate the other fields with the current relationship data for the selected TIN.


The top half of the window allows changes to TIN information, including whether or not the selected TIN is a Primary Care Provider or Specialist.


After the TINs data is generated,  you may make changes similar to what was available for the TIN/NPI import template. If you would like to associate an NPI to this TIN, select it from the Associated NPI drop down menu.


The bottom half of the window allows changes to NPI information, including whether it is a Facility NPI or if the NPI is a Primary Care Practice or Specialist. Once the TIN/NPI relationship has been configured as needed,, click the Save Changes button to confirm. 

If you want to edit a specific patient's assignment information, begin by clicking the Edit  button in the far right column for that patient's row. This editing option opens the TIN Number and NPI Number columns for change. Once the TIN number is selected from the list of available assignments, the NPI Number dropdown updates to display related NPIs that may be selected. Once both TIN Number and NPI Number are selected, click the Update button in the far right column to confirm your selection.


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