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Post-Acute Care (PAC) Dashboard

This tool is used to provide an opportunity to view and compare how different facilities, in and out of network, are meeting the needs of patients following acute inpatient hospital care. 

Overview Video

Overview Video

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Downloadable Resources

PAC Dashboard 


To access the PAC Dashboard click on Analytics from the main menu bar and click on Analytics Dashboard under the Interactive menu.

Analytics Dashboard.png
Analytics Dashboard-1.png

Once you are in the Analytics Dashboard you will see a button to the right of the filters for the PAC Dashboard.

PAC Dashboard Filters

PAC Dashboard-1.png

The top of the PAC Dashboard contains three filters.

 1. Patient Population: Currently this tool is only available for Medicare populations. This option cannot be         changed.

 2. Effective Period: Select the period for the patients you want to view, e.g., the active/attributed patients            during that period. Effective periods apply to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Primary Care                First (PCF), and Direct Contracting Entity (DCE) but not commercial populations as it shows only the              most recently imported membership list. Effective Period is intended to display the patients for the                time period selected and the current year of data unless the date range is changed to that of a previous        year.

           Definitions for ACOs:

  • QASSGN: A quarterly assignment file supplied from CMS. Note, this naming convention was used for Q4 2018 or prior.​​

  • QALR: A quarterly assignment files supplied from CMS. Note, this naming convention started in Q1 2019 and after.

  • HALR: An annual assignment file supplied from CMS. Note, this naming convention started in 2019 and after.

            Definitions for DCEs:​

  • Year M-Month (example: 2021 M12 is December 2021)

            Definitions for PCFs:

  • Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4

 3. Date Range: Select the date range for the period of time you would like to view data for.


 1. Export to Excel: Use this button to download an .xlsx version of the chart.


 2. Export All Patients: Use this button to download all patients to an xlsx file. 


 3. Facility Name: The name of the facility that the row of data is showing information for.


 4. PAC Type: The facility type of the PAC events shown for the facility named in the current row of data.


 5. Number of Patients: The number of individual patients that had this type of PAC event at this facility.


 6. Number of Episodes: The number of individual PAC episodes of the PAC type in this facility. Clicking the                   green button will bring you to the Patient View of the dashboard. 


 7. Episode of Care Total Spend: The total amount of spend for the episodes included in the row of  data.











 8. *Average Days Stayed: The average number of days stayed for this entry. 


 9. *PAC Cost Per Day: The average cost per day for the PAC Facility and Type shown.


 10. Readmissions: The number of hospital readmissions following PAC episodes that occurred within 60 days of         the initial triggering hospital admission.


 11. Emergency Visits: The number of emergency visits following PAC episodes that occurred within 60 days of           the initial triggering hospital admission.


 12. Cost of Complications: The cost of complications that occurred within 60 days of the initial hospital                         admissions and following PAC episodes.


*Average Days and Cost Per Day are not calculated for HAA PAC Type at this time.


PAC Dashboard Chart

PAC Patient View

Patient View

This detailed view can be reached by clicking the button in the Number of Episodes column of the PAC Dashboard view.


1. Export to Excel: Use this button to download an .xlsx version of the chart. 



Static Columns: The first three columns of this view are static and do not scroll with the rest of the chart.

   2. Facility Name: The facility in which the PAC episode took place.

   3. Attending Provider: The provider the patient shown was seen by during the PAC episode.

   4. Patient Name: The name of the patient who had a PAC episode.


5.  Facility Type: The type of facility of the PAC

6.  Assigned Provider: The provider the patient shown is assigned to.

7.   Assigned TIN: The TIN the patient shown is assigned to.

8.   Patient Member ID: The MBI of the patient who had this PAC episode.

9.   Patient DOB: Patients date of birth.

10. Gender: Patients Gender.


11. HCC Score: The patient's HCC score.


12. Potentially Costly: Yes/No is used to indicate if the patient is marked Potentially Costly by Health Endeavors.                      Potentially Costly Patients are defined as patients with a risk score in the top 30% this year or previous year, 1 or            more hospitalizations in the last 12 months, 3 or more emergency department visits in the last 24 months and 3 or          more chronic conditions. 


13. DRG: The DRG the patient was diagnosed with during the initial triggering hospital admission. Hovering over the              DRG code provides a definition for the DRG. (Click here for a list of all triggering DRGs included in this report)


14. Primary Diagnosis: The primary diagnosis given during the PAC episode. Hovering over the ICD-10 code provides a          definition of the ICD-10 code.


15. Event Date: The start date of the PAC episode.


16. Total Spend: The total amount of spend for the PAC episode.


17. Length of Stay:  The length of stay for the PAC episode.


18. Cost Per Day: The cost per day for the PAC episode.


19. Readmission  Yes/No is used to indicate whether there was a hospital readmission within 60 days of the initial                  triggering admission following the PAC episode.


20. Emergency Visit: Yes/No is used to indicate whether there was an emergency visit within 60 days of the triggering            admission following the PAC episode.


21. Complications: Yes/No is used to indicate whether there was a complication within 60 days of the initial triggering            admission following the PAC episode. (Click here for a list of Complications)


22. Date of Death:  Patient date of death.

Health Endeavors

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